[Australian DoD] Official Orders - Day 890

Day 888, 05:20 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department

Australian Department of Defence Official Orders


Fight for our Greek Allies!!

Fight there, and help our Greek allies!

And remember, get your five fights in then heal. If you can't afford weapons fight bare handed. You still do your bit in the battle + get 2 exp each time you fight.

Want to join the Australian Defence Force? Then register onto the forums! Its Easy!

What else can you do?

Donate Here!

If you aren't the biggest hitter in the world but want to see your gold go a long way donate to the org above in the link (not this one) and we assure a you a mean nasty tank will put your hard earned, well appreciated gold to great use.

Donate to the True Australian War Funds and help Australia today!

Useful Guides on Fighting:

Eleriel's article on How To Fight

Fighting Tutorial

AG's Fighting and Hospitals Guide



Dropbears, ACUK, and AAR: Check the forums for the latest orders and IRC to get supplies. (As usual - wait until last log in of the day before fighting)

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Relations newspaper

Timeoin - Minister of Defence
Mack Craft - Deputy Minister of Defence
Widdows9000 - Chief of the Defence Force
Australian Defence Force