[Australian DoD] Official Orders - Day 875

Day 875, 00:19 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department

Australian Department of Defence Official Orders



Thankyou for your help in defending Western Australia. Without your help - we would not have won the battle. And yes, win it we did (we have video evidence of this).

If you are currently stuck in Western Australia, send a private message to this organization and we will give you a moving ticket so that you can move back to Australia.

And if you Want to join the Australian Defence Force, register onto the forums.

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Dropbears, ACUK and AAR: Check the forums for orders and IRC to get supplies.

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To our Allies:

Im not going to mention everyone who helped defend Australia here (too many to name). Instead, I will say a massive thankyou to everyone who helped defend Western Australia recently. And to those who fought in the Nothern Territory, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal - your help is very much appreciated.

Schoft - Minister of Defence
Timeoin - Deputy Minister of Defence
Widdows9000 - Chief of the Defence Force
Australian Defence Force