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The Unity Party

Id-partypresident Keithunder     UK United Kingdom     National rank: 1    

Vice President

755fef3339483895dafaee75fa2ed303 dougal4chaos

Secretary General

Fb74cf05dc04d48fcd7e6cef32dd3da1 Piran


Open Wiki page

We are a democratic socialist party focusing on ensuring that the eUK has an effective, but fair government. Discord- [url=]discord[/url]

Members 25

Associate Members 0

Orientation Center-left, Libertarian


Icon_position_politics_partypresidentParty presidency

Party President

Next election in19 days one candidate  


7 congress members

  18.42%  of Congress


Next elections in 29 days

Icon_position_politics_presidentCountry presidency

Next elections in 9 days

No candidate proposed

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