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Advice from a father to his son - Part II

3 Day 1,751, 00:46 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

We get ot the point of music. Father continue to talk:
My old man had problem with his old man when he was start drumming in a rock band, back in sixties. I had problems when I was 16. and was listening Pistols and Ramons with additional jumping

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Advice from a father to his son – Part I

2 Day 1,750, 01:24 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello. I would like to present you a story, in which a caring father is giveing his son a lesson or two about life. These lessons will have 5 parts, and I hope you will enjoy it, and maybe find something useful for yourself 😉

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Changes on day 1,744

2 Day 1,744, 06:59 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Plato decided to rename our health to energy, which is actually same thing with no difference except in name change. Working, training and fighting will consume same amount of hp (energy) as before, therefore every action will result in loss of 10

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Najbolja paravojska je...

64 Day 1,223, 07:11 Published in Croatia Croatia

Molio bih ljude da mi kazu: koja je paravojna jedinica po njima najbolja. Dakle, ako su bili, ili su trenutno, u jednoj, navedte mi razloge zasto je bas ta dobra za vas, ili zasto ste je promijenili, tj zasto nije bila dobra za vas. To bih vas molio

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Savjeti jednog oca svom sinu (5.dio)

6 Day 1,069, 01:16 Published in Croatia Croatia

Nakon sveopcih tema, poceo je razgovor o picu i opijanju, neizbjezan...
"Nemoj poceti piti prije osamnaeste jer ces prestati rasti, organi ce ti zakrzljati, a mozdane celije prepoloviti. Kad i pocnes, loci obazrivo, polako i inteligentno. Uvijek ce

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