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32 Day 1,741, 04:00 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

dugo nisam napisa članak pa neću ni sad.

ajde pozdrav matori o9

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Opet sam 'nasjeo' xD

20 Day 1,692, 17:40 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Prekidam erep godisnji na po ure na napisem clanak. Taman sam dovoljno trizan da mogu pisat bez greske i da znam uopce o cemu pisem.

Dakle, posto me vise nema po kanalima, a ingame sam online taman da risim DO,nakon par dana nestane meni tenkova

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Vidimo se nakon lita...

50 Day 1,685, 15:21 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Postovani enarode,
bit cu vrlo kratak jer sam jos malo mamuran od 18 sati alkoholiziranja. Nemam volje za nista osim za ic lec. Ugl pisem ovaj clanak da se zahvalim svima Vama koje sam upozna u ovoj igri, jer zbog Vas je erep vise od igre.


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11 Day 1,672, 15:12 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment



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bero njab

84 Day 1,656, 03:32 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Danas san se diga u 6 ujutro jer sam sinoc oko 20h dok san gleda Ruzu vjetrova i ucia zaspa sve onako sa otvorenim ponistrima, svitlom, TVom ,laptopom, sa cvikelima, u robi i sa knjigom u ruci. Bar sam se napokon naspa pa san mora visak energije

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