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Dormant Users

15 Day 505, 06:18 Published in South Africa South Africa

Anybody know who these dormant users are ?

They sure can be of some help to a lot of new and old players here.
Are there certain rules if they want to donate all their gold and money to some one and then exit the game ?

Maybe the Govetmant

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To Vote or Not to Vote

8 Day 499, 23:48 Published in South Africa South Africa

That is a big question ?

As some new arrivals enter the party of their choice, the question on all of their minds are who to vote for, how to vote and when to vote ?
As the new members they are looking for some guidelines in their party to make

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6 Day 499, 02:08 Published in South Africa South Africa

There are people out there who live like ghosts, they are heard but not seen. Fighting for survival and future. They are the unsung heroes of our country, fighting in other countries to improve their skills,developing their abilites and work force.

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