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Endorse i komentari

1 Day 4,907, 14:33 Published in North Korea North Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Trebam 25 komentara i naravno endorsajte za misiju!

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45 Day 2,683, 06:35 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Pa da, morala bi postojati i neka riječ za nas ovisnike o ovoj igrici, koji ju igramo godinama unatoč svim bugovima, nepravdama, ovom, onom.. Nevažno.. Vjerujem da je dobar dio nas mazohistički nastrojen čim trpimo to sve i uživamo(???) u tome 😃

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5 golda za 5 godina

88 Day 2,552, 05:57 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Evo, dan po dan, prošlo je 5 godina klikanja na ovom čudu 😃 Već neko vrijeme sam samo u dvokliku i ona početna strast od prije 4-5 godina je s vremenom splasnula.. Ali kroz sve te godine prošla sam dosta lijepih trenutaka.. upoznala neke drage

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i need a comment

29 Day 2,478, 00:21 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I need a comment comment, a comment is what I need.. hey hey
Well I need a comment comment, a comment is what I need.. hey hey
And I said I need comment comment, a comment is what I need..
And if I share with you my story would you share your

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Da se malo zamislimo..

101 Day 1,848, 12:16 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Nešto je trulo u državi esvakoj..

Pa dobro, naziv je takav jer su to po mom mišljenju više posljedice promjena unutar igre nego same naše države.
No, bazirajmo se mi ipak na lijepu našu.

S vremena na vrijeme izabire se glavni krivac za loše

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