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In memory to Don KronoX __"UPDATE"

277 Day 1,917, 09:45 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Today we have common shock for our friend and for some of us brother Don KronoX.
I want to THANKS TO ALL you came to channel (213 fighters).



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Počivaj v miru

26 Day 1,552, 12:27 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Po napornem vikendu, kjer je bila prisotno fizično delo od jutra do poznega večera se vsedem za comp da bi oddelal in treniral. In kaj me pričaka: "RIP DonKronox". Ko sem to zagledal so se mi orosile oči in cmok se mi je naredil v grlu. Za nekaj

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