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Zakaj ja mrzim ponedelek

11 Day 4,136, 02:19 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hej e-narode!

Ponedjeljak - tmuran, hladan, kišovit.
Ultragudra otvara eRep dan postom "Puna mi je kapa svega.."! 😉
Na radiju dere "zakaj ja mrzim ponedelek.."!
Može li gore!?????

Nije lako al moramo dalje! 😉

Pa evo ja ću u toj

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Nekad i danas [hebo EU živjela YU]

14 Day 4,086, 02:51 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ne nisam crveni, a nisam i crni - ja sam Cro-Alien!
Zato molim i vi crveni i vi crni - shvatite ovo je samo vic i ništa više!! 🙂

Izlet u Trst

Djedu je 18 godišnji unuk koji stalno visi na smartphone-u
počeo pošteno ići na ž

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eKutle (ponovno) jaše

42 Day 4,004, 03:02 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dragi moji eRepovci!
Evo ja već 2-3 e-godine živim jedan miran, čak pomalo monoton dvoklikerski život u pečalbi.
Uglavnom pratim lokalne novine i pokušavam (sa ovo malo mog španjolskog i više google translate-a) biti u toku s događanjima u mojoj

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Oh Lord won't U buy me a brand new fighter plane

1 Day 3,190, 02:53 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Well - I'm not complaining - just wanna all of you out there, to know how hardcore two-click players do their air fights in eRep!


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Oh Lord won't U buy me a brand new fighter plane

10 Day 3,190, 01:41 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Well - I'm not complaining - just wanna all of you out there, to know how hardcore two-click players do their air fights in eRep!


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