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MU Competition

12 Day 2,002, 01:43 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Just some random thoughts about this MU competition.

Nothing fancy, no pictures no graphics and no charts 🙂

Help your Military Unit to be the best in your country and you’ll be rewarded with triple daily order rewards for a week!

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Guerilla fight exploit

13 Day 1,950, 09:42 Published in Poland Poland Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Fast and nothing fancy 🙂

Currently you receive double the ammount of influence if you win a fight and normal influence if you lose it.

here comes the tricks.

If you WIN the fight:
- no matter how much health you lose during the fight you

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I want to have the Media Mogul medal

56 Day 1,814, 10:28 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

As the title says it, i would like to have the MM medal. im 127 subs short of it.

i wont donate anything, im simply asking you to do me a favour and sub this newspaper so that i can get that MM medal.

thank you

Kot že piše v naslovu, bi

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my short eHistory and stuff

22 Day 1,587, 08:11 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello to everyone

Since this is my first article in the eUSA i will start with a short introduction

As you can see my nickname ingame is biiis 
On irc, that is on rizon server my nickname is biis – one –i less than ingame.

RL im

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Trenutna situacija in kako naprej?

40 Day 1,410, 03:36 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Torej kot vidite smo odrezani od bonusov za surovine.

Trenutno imamo v eSloveniji 60% bonus na hrano in 20% bonus na orožje.

Kako je prišlo do tega?

Preprosto, eHrvaška se je odločila da pomaga svojim zaveznikom Italijanom in samim sebi.

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