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CendaBG for president!(first article)

20 Day 2,630, 02:13 Published in Belgium Belgium Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello everyone o7
I have decided to candidate for CP this month, so in this article i want to introduce myself and shortly describe my plans for every ministry for next month.
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[CendaBG] Interview with Jens Leupe

19 Day 2,447, 01:32 Published in Belgium Belgium Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings to everyone, I recently became a member of your community. My friends suggested me to come here and I can proudly say that it was a right decision. eBelgium will, I believe, very soon rise from ''a little country'' to an equal ally and read more »


37 Day 2,052, 06:19 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Поздрав Гавро!

Предпостављам да ова слова нећеш никад ни прочитати. Но добро, шта је ту је, нема те са нама, а без тебе нестао је и један део нас. О … read more »


57 Day 2,051, 06:22 Published in Serbia Serbia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Mucite se trazeci bezbroj linkova i tagova kako biste se dopisivali sa svojim edrugovima?Sada je tome dosao kraj.

U ovom clanku mozete pronaci linkove za vecinu eSrpskih kanala koji ce read more »