Ambient on/off

Nobody expects...

0 Day 4,907, 12:42 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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Fix the economy - Q7 wep

60 Day 2,280, 01:19 Published in China China Financial business Financial business


"Fix the economy". Mantra po kojoj e-živimo, koja se ponavlja ispod svakog FB posta na eRepublik stranici, po forumu, shoutima, člancima. Toliko je postala uvriježena misao da smo, osim konstantnog ponavljanja zaboravili, a mož … read more »

Farewell Romania!

39 Day 1,978, 11:37 Published in China China Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Romanians,

(imagine wallz of earth shattering and passionate text about our ex-brotherhood and past times which I am too damn lazy to

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Rat i mir

31 Day 1,886, 17:04 Published in China China Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Preskočit ću rad na nekoliko članaka koje nikako da završim i prebacit se na aktualnu temu: Indija. Prije svega da riješimo jednu stvar. Ne zastupam nikoga i ništa osim vlastitog mišljenja. Nemam nikakve veze sa ovim CP-om niti sa ovom Vladom,

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Thank you Brozil!

40 Day 1,701, 15:42 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Let's not play games.

Meaning of this law is widely and obviously known. I have literally nothing more to say on that topic.

I do not have a single regret for trusting Brazilians, having

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