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Ova jos ni ste go vidili 55k DMG from 1 Kill

15 Day 1,449, 07:28 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Sta da pricam evo vam slika pa vi sami vidite NAJVECI DMG OD 1 KILL
What to say the biggest DMG from 1 KILL

YUP 55k DMG from one kill LOL 😃😃😃😃😉

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Бесплатни типови на RW

14 Day 1,427, 10:23 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Деновиве се актуелизира прашајњето со факање на RW медали и тоа премногу. Конечно јас успеав да дојдам до мојот 50 RW медал.
Бркањето на RW медали стана јавна тајна, насекаде се шушти кое

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MM medal

30 Day 1,425, 02:57 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Bidejki kako na dobar del od igracite u erep sto im svetka MM medalot se odluciv da napavam edna nagradna igra so cel pobrzo da go fatam medalot. Nagradiot fond ke bide 250Q5 tenkovi.

1th prise 150 Q5 tenkovi
2th prise 75 Q5 tenkovi
3th prise

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Fact that you may not know for 6th September in RL

2 Day 1,386, 03:02 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

On this day in 1915, a prototype tank nicknamed Little Willie rolls off the assembly line in England. Little Willie was far from an overnight success. It weighed 14 tons, got stuck in trenches and crawled over rough terrain at only two miles per

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Fact that you may not know for 4th September in Rl

8 Day 1,384, 08:11 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


On this day in 1886, Apache chief Geronimo surrenders to U.S. government troops. For 30 years, the mighty Native American warrior had battled to protect his tribe's homeland; however, by

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