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One serious article

47 Day 3,427, 08:58 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I need comments from 25 different users for the Junior Journalist mission.

Since the article has to be about the game, I can only conclude that the game is slightly changed. Nature has remained the same.


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The Week of Foxes: My story

18 Day 3,041, 11:04 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Especially for this occasion,
Because of fulfilled promises,
Due to the memory of the nice days,
in the name of gratitude,
because of the respect...

one old picture without story.

Greetings to … read more »

NE haiku

13 Day 2,860, 11:16 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Bruce se ljuti.
Komšija mu drži lojtre.
A gdje su Huni?
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More u lavoru...

130 Day 2,358, 09:08 Published in Croatia Croatia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Kada pričamo o događajima i njihovim posljedicama najmanje je važno tko je kriv za njih, ako ne želimo napraviti ništa da se stanje promijeni. Možemo ostati hladnokrvni promatrač situacije i dalje klikati par puta dnevno uvjeravajući se da igramo

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Ogledalce, ogledalce...

130 Day 2,326, 10:23 Published in Croatia Croatia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Sigurno ste svi čuli poznatu sintagmu kojom je „zločesta vještica“ pozdravljala čarobno ogledalo u bijesnom pokušaju nadjačavanja Snjeguljičine ljepote. Zato vam i nije potrebno objašnjavati zaplet, radnju i kraj. Jedino oko čega bi se čovjek mogao

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