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[Contest] A random story about randomness

15 Day 2,515, 11:28 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

It all started when our antagonizing protagonist, Renouille, woke up in a imaginery desert. It was the ninth time it had happened. Feeling ridiculously worried, Renouille groped a ninja star, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it

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Switzerlandish Things duh....

19 Day 2,446, 03:11 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

So.. your beloved Nova.Navid told me that i should make an article about Switzerland with pictures and other useful shit. Yeah..... useful shit that sounds way too capitalistic, but no worries, it might be interesting. 😃. You might also wonder why

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Greetings eIran

40 Day 2,440, 08:09 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

At first i am sorry that i write in english and not in your majestic and cool persian, honestly i am trying to learn it already now, hahah. So.... to my person:
I am known as Madkytle|TheCommunist & Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin (

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So ... yeah

5 Day 2,419, 06:10 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

"And yet, there is not much known or spoken. That is getting so hard to be a shame because its the reality, and reality always hurt. I dont want to say that it has always have been … read more »

You are....

3 Day 2,324, 06:53 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Yes you are

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