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Spain troops enter Trianon Palace in Versailles

25 Day 773, 12:34 Published in Hungary Hungary

Dear eHungarians,

As you might have seen while you were selfishly fighting for your own interest yesterday two events occured.

First one was the total annihilation of your allies - off course that doesn't mean too much for you, eSlovenia.

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[BOLIVIA][EN]1st war game battle link

8 Day 654, 12:15 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

Hello all ,

After the very good cooperation we had with the current president and agreeing to pay 1/3 of the costs from us,the Black Cats, the first war game in Bolivia's history is now opened.

You can fight [url=

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[OFFICIAL_REQUEST]War Games for eBolivians

49 Day 645, 10:18 Published in Bolivia Bolivia

This article is directed towards jesusfbo and his administration.

For those who don't yet know me I am a Pando Bolivian Congressman and the president of the 2nd largest party in eBolivia, the Democratic Party .

Why do I say us bolivians need

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[Please vote to international] For justice !

13 Day 630, 13:52 Published in Romania Romania

Versiunea in Romana dedesupt:

First of all please vote this article so it will make international . 2 days ago , the day before the famous spanish gold issue me and 2 other users were taken advantage of by another org. Off course though

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Congresul trimite romanii inapoi in tarile calde :(

18 Day 627, 12:08 Published in Romania Romania

Ar mai fi si falimentul iminent al unor firme ... cum ar fi cea la care eram angajat pana de dimineata.

Cum ziceam si pe shout 5% dintr-o suma pozitiva e mai mult decat 15% din 0. Cand au scazut taxele de la 10 la 5% , multi s-au intors in RO.

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