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The Order of The World

8 Day 84, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Salaam aleikum! Glory to Pakistan!
You are now reading the /v/oice, fresh from Pakistan! Today we will tell you all about the possible threats from the far-east, Spanish heretics trying to convert our faithful Pakistanis and the potential spanish

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The Calm Before the Storm

15 Day 83, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Salaam aleikum! Glory to Pakistan!
Good day to you, Pakistan! Glorious Pakistan! Praise the God-emperor in all his glory! We should all also congratulate C. Falcon for winning the party Presidency of the "Stardust Crusaders", the

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Election Day

0 Day 82, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Salaam aleikum, Pakistan! Glory to Pakistan!
As you all know it is election day! The people are streaming to the voting site to put in their vote for the guy who is highest on the list. It seems rather clear that C. Falcon will be the new heady of

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Glory to Pakistan!

5 Day 81, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Salaam aleikum, Pakistan! Glory to our nation! Glory to Pakistan!
This glorious nation of well-built men, able-bodied workers and healthy soldiers can handle the truth. They know that the future is dangerous, that the future will hold a lot of

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