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Collection of inane rants since V1

[Ultimatum] Respect medal runs

37 Day 6,028, 22:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Dear Funky,

Respect medal runs,

Yes or No?

Appleby; Commander, RAF

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Read comments for why TRS sucks

95 Day 5,980, 09:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Afternoon folk o/

I was going to write a Woldesque polemic but after a walk with the dog and a hearty argument with one of the … read more »

[Proposal] Wolf Packs and Wargames

15 Day 5,912, 07:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Afternoon all o7

It’s generally become accepted practice in the monthly bad-trip of mongress to immediately dismiss and humbug ad infinitum any and all … read more »

[Parliament] Moon joins Empire

18 Day 5,709, 05:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Earlier today the Speaker asked if there was anything he could clarify.

Thanks to his input, we're happy to announce-

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[Balloon Bonanza] Request free balloons ‘ere

26 Day 5,676, 11:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Evenin’ folk!

As a few of us have spare balloons we don’t want to go to waste, just post a battle you aim to medal run for here in the comments and one of us will drop a balloon there for the 300% bonus gold you’ll earn for it.

At time of

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