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The official newspaper of the eUK Home Office.

[MoHA] Vote-Today-Giveaway

29 Day 5,695, 23:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


It is election day! Make sure you vote!

Once you have voted remember that leaving a comment on this article will get you 20,000 POUNDS AND 50 Q7 GUNS! So Vote and … read more »

[MoHA] National Giveaway on Sunday / Food Drive Over!

3 Day 5,692, 00:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


This Sunday you will all have the chance to vote in Congress elections! Please log in and be sure to exercise your democratic rights (even though it is a Sunday!).

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History is Repeating itself! The MoHA is back!

14 Day 5,680, 02:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Open your prize catching bags, put on your thinking caps, and find your reading glasses, because after years of hiding a brand new and multi-faceted Ministry of Home Affairs stands before you!

To offer the full … read more »

National Giveaways - Day 5,676

37 Day 5,675, 23:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

As a reminder the Government and Congress would like to
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National Giveaways - Day 5,665

38 Day 5,664, 23:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

As a reminder the Government and Congress would like to
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