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Albeck for ANP PP//Callumh1234CP

3 Day 2,659, 12:54 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

It may still be early but I would like to publicly announce that I am running for ANP PP.

Our current party president is a joke. EmperorEvo is more PTOer then normal PP. Everything he does is only his decision, he does not care what anyone else

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eAustralia and CP Elections in Numbers

32 Day 2,573, 10:08 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

As we can see on this chart eAustralia has 0,41% of total eWorld population. This percentage is actually better then in RL (0,33😵 and its currently on 45th place in eWorld (Total number of … read more »

Disappointed Player - About CP Elections and E-Australian Community

33 Day 2,571, 12:57 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

First of all, let me introduce myself. As you can see, my nick in this game is Albeck. In real life I am just a regular guy, writing my master thesis and trying to get degree in IT Project Management. In few days I will be 24. I am enjoying running,

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