Ambient on/off

As putea indrazni sa am curajul de a cuteza...

27 Day 2,606, 12:32 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Nu demult am avut oribila realizare ca a mai trecut un an, a trecut un an de cand intr-un moment de slabiciune am hotarat sa vad ce se mai intampla cu erepublik, sa caut prietenii apuse in randul oamenilor cu care petreceam candva ingrijorator de

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Politica raului cel mai mic

28 Day 2,572, 03:23 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Asa cum CGP Grey poate explica mult mai bine decat eu pot, alegerile FPPV(First Past the Post Voting sau cine aduna cele mai multe voturi intr-un singur scrutin) nu sunt nici pe departea cea mai potrivita forma

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Crusade for the Holy Land!

43 Day 2,486, 03:17 Published in Israel Israel Battle orders Battle orders

The time has come fellow brothers in GOD, The time is here!

Israel is under attack from the godless people again, it's time for … read more »

Mana intinsa care nu spune o poveste, nu primeste pomana![pustoaice give-away]

84 Day 2,481, 07:09 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Pentru a sarbatori finalul mandatului de guvernator la BNR, in incercarea de a oferi praf in ochi opiniei publice spre a-mi ascunde gravele si evidentele deficiente in functie, precum si neintreruptul si nestavilitul furt din

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Erep gold share challenge [Comfortable Enema]

7 Day 2,481, 01:57 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Dear erepublik players,

In the past few weeks you migh have noticed the Ice Bucket Challenge, where many people have been dumping a bucket of ice water and donated money in order to draw attention to the ALS disease and help with research. After

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