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11 Day 1,404, 08:20 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Htjedoh samo reći slijedeće..

ZdLemmy je:


I to je to!

Zdravi i veseli bili

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12 Day 1,333, 19:12 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Lipi moj,

Danas sam shvatio puninu istine o mađarici koju si nategnuo na haubi svoga bolida. Bila je to slatka osveta tada prvoj sili eMađarskoj. xD

Evo neki dan je platila engleskinja, jucer nizozemka, a danas austrijanka. To je tek

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5 Day 1,325, 05:06 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


The more they play me, the more frustrated they are.

Who am I?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9 letters)

Try to guess who's beard is on the target xD

That's all from me read more »

LETS PARTY! Come on and party!

10 Day 1,303, 01:32 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

You don't know who to vote for
You are neither left nor right
You just don't care for politics at all

The only reason why You vote is to get those bloody 5 exp points

Then our dear friend, you are perfect match … read more »

Baby boom of the day

23 Day 1,300, 15:37 Published in China China Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello peeps,

First of all, I would like you to play this song while reading cuz it's perfectly suits the current kinda sad eR atmosphere.

I have a habit to visit [url=http://erepublik-

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