With Two Clicking a thing of the past, what's stopping you?

Day 1,013, 07:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Two Clicking

Two Clicking was a term for those in V1, not on forums or IRC who simply worked, trained and maybe from time to time gave there 5 fights to the wall.

With the launch of eRepublik Rising, when the bare minimum is four clicking, and fighting offers a whole new style of gameplay two clicking is a thing of the past. However there are still those not on the forums and not on IRC.

As MoCommunications I organise messages to be sent to our active populations, which currently stands in the region of around 2450 people. Out of those, after asking people on IRC (it's dead handy you see) 'what they reckon' we guesstimate no more than 3-4 hundred have been on the forums, with even fewer using them regularly.

The reason everyone should use the forums is because what out them, you can just sit back and let the world go by, and as soon as one of our issues does face you, you will be clueless as to what caused it, or when/how it will be resolved.

Sorry to be frank.

Take as an example, our current map:

You are infinitely more times likely to understand why Holland and France own some of our regions, and what's being done about it if you use the forums and IRC.

Now, I understand some people's reluctance to indulge in these external communications, I was the same. Forumphobia cursed me until I decided to get elected I would have to use them. I made the jump and look where it's gotten me. Basically, using the forums facilitates you making the most of this game.

After all, it is based around community.

Now for some IRC logs;
Hmm.. what do I like about them. XD
I gotta think about this.
I like that... there's a wales forum there
I like that you can speak freely - troll or not!

What more convincing do you need?

(sign up on #Army.training on the Rizon server)

Finally, there is our army.

When you fight, you need to ask yourselves the following questions.

1) Will I get killed in the next ten minutes
2) Will I spend gold and waste my damage in a non-vital region
3) Will I fork out my life savings for a fancy gun

If the answer to any of these is yes, then you should definitely consider joining the eUK's Armed Forces.

It is based on IRC, so you forumphobic's may need some real convincing here. By joining the armed forces, you are supplied to fight and given orders on where your damage is needed most. The eUK is a member of Phoenix so battles on the home front aren't always the be all and end all of battles.

For example, I was cracking skulls in Far Eastern Russia the other day. I killed Alexander Hamilton, with (to be fair) a spot of luck. Why mention this? He likes to comment my articles.

For me, the best part of being in the army is the community. Rather then crusading (or dying) alone as a pariah on the battlefield, we do strikes in large groups, crusading (or dying) in squads. Ultimately meaning we have more fun and generally last a lot longer.

We also get cool avatars.

So what are you waiting for?

Join us on the forums.
Join us on IRC.
Join the Army.
Be part of something great.

Thanks for reading.
Mr Woldy.

Chipping in where I can.

Feel free to comment telling us what's stopping you
The answer "the forums are full of tw*ts" is not acceptable. Maddog is OK once you get to know him.