Why Unity Elections are the Best Thing to Ever Happen to 6th Parties

Day 1,910, 15:40 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Let’s get one thing upfront and out of the way:
I’m not a fan of the Unity Elections system. I find it to be distasteful, and an unfortunate result of our present circumstances.

However, that being said; Unity Elections are the best thing to happen to 6th parties. Now, before you scroll to the comments section to yell at me... hear me out.
Never before have the collective 6th parties held so much power. They can single-handedly decide the Presidency.

How Unity Elections work:
Each of the non-PTO (AFA) parties that comprise the Top 5, are weighted equally. That accounts for 4 votes. The fifth vote comes from the collective of 6th parties. Each party is weighted differently, relative to how many members they have. It’s a lot like the real life delegate system that the United States uses.

Essentially, all of the 6th parties are equal to one Top 5.

Let’s look at the history of the previous twelve Presidential Elections before we started doing Unity Elections (October 2011 - September 2012).

October 2011 - Alexander Auctoritas defeats Morrigan Alexandros.
Alexander Auctorias endorsed by 3 Top 5 parties
Morrigan Alexandros endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

November 2011 - GoalieBCSC defeats Leroy Combs.
GoalieBCSC endorsed by 3 Top 5 parties
Leroy Combs endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

December 2011 - Oblige defeats Gagon The Great Cajeta Lover (Glove).
Oblige endorsed by 5 Top 5 parties
Glove endorsed by 0 Top 5 parties

January 2012 - Oblige defeats Pizza The Hut II (Ajay/RGR).
Oblige endorsed by 5 Top 5 parties
Ajay endorsed by 0 Top 5 parties

February 2012 - Oblige defeats Vanek26.
Oblige endorsed by 4 Top 5 parties
Vanek endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

March 2012 - Oblige defeats Israel Stevens.
Oblige endorsed by 2 Top 5 parties
Israel Stevens endorsed by 2 Top 5 parties

April 2012 - Artela defeats seeker1.
Artela endorsed by 4 Top 5 parties
seeker1 endorsed by 0 Top 5 parties
Note: This was the month Joseph Dinero won the Federalist nomination, but accidentally removed himself from the ballot.

May - Artela defeats Chickensguys.
Artela endorsed by 3 Top 5 parties
Chickensguys endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

June 2012 - Israel Stevens defeats GloveisLove (Glove).
Israel Stevens endorsed by 2 Top 5 parties
Glove endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

July 2012 - Evry defeats GloveisLove (Glove).
Evry endorsed by 3 Top 5 parties
Glove endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

August 2012 - GloveisLove (Glove) defeats Civil Anarchy.
Glove endorsed by 1 Top 5 party
Civil Anarchy endorsed by 3 Top 5 parties
Notes: AMP did not nominate anyone ingame, due to Haliman not resigning until after the ballots had locked in.
Also, Glove declared for CP at the last second, as part of his strategy.

September 2012 - Israel Stevens defeats Henry ‘Pfeiffer’ Arundel.
Israel Stevens endorsed by 2 Top 5 parties
Pfeiffer endorsed by 1 Top 5 party

What can we learn from this?
That with the exception of 2 races, the candidate with the most top 5 nominations won the elections.
The two exceptions were in March when a highly popular, 3 time incumbent (Oblige) was going up against a relatively new face (myself). Both candidates received the same amount of Top 5 party support.
The other exception was Glove’s stealth campaign in August. He declared at the last second, and was able to use a combination of popular groundswell, and the lack of the AMP endorsing Civil Anarchy to defy the odds and win.

The candidate that won the most, or tied for the most Top 5 party endorsements, won the Presidency 11 out of 12 times.
That’s 92% of the time.

In this game, the top 5 endorsements mean everything to a Presidential campaign. They are the most important thing.

So how is this good for 6th parties?
By being collectively weighed as a Top 5 party for the Unity Election process, the 6th parties are essentially awarded the role of tie-breaker. Under normal elections, a single 6th party is not going to decide the election. Even a group of 6th party endorsements is not a guaranteed win.

The Unity Election process gives 6th parties an unprecedented amount of power and influence; far and above what they wield during a normal election. Their collective vote can single-handedly decide who will be the Unity Candidate, and therefore, who will win the election.

So for the people in 6th parties that complain that their voice is not being heard, I beg to differ. Never before has your voice been more powerful. Never before have your parties been afforded this much clout.

Disagree with me? Let me know in the comments 🙂


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