Why Serbs wants free Texas...(Објашњење..)

Day 1,195, 08:38 Published in Serbia Serbia by sasa55555

Texas,the lone star state,just one of the 53 states(50 original states plus conquerd teritories Iraq,Avganistan,and Serbian southern province..)in U.S of A(united states of as*holes),is the most writen word in eAmerican media today.Why is this,why Serbs want free and independant Texas,well this newspaper will give you the truth,stay with us...

To understand all this we must first know TEXAS,and when you say Texas you must know the most famous persons there,people who are true representative of u.s of a lifestyle and culture.First one is this guy:

The words are unnecessary,this person is the brain of all people in u.s of a,true patriot,true american.
Second most famous person from Texas(some will not agree)is you guess,this guy:

Well this gay is heart and soul of every american,he likes to fight,shoot and kill,he enjoy it...
So now when we know people from Texas,we must know the resouces in Texas.

There is only two big reasons why an average Serb,would cross 5970.93 miles or 9609.28 km(or q5 ticket)to reach the u.s of a soil,so lets see them:

Well if Serbs were Americans the first reason would be it,because we all know that there is no good american who doesnt like oil,some of them would not agree with me,but deep down in u.s of a,when they start up their Cadillacs who use 12 liters of fuel only when you flip the key,they will soon change their opinion.Hell this is the reason why u.s of a has now 53 states and they still expanding(Iran,Saudi Arabia,Egypt be warned..xD)...
But this is not the reason,noone is the second because we all know that the best bulls are from chicago

So why Serbs want Free Texas,well the reason is in lyrics of one of the greatest singers in u.s of a,called George W.B...ups sorry George Michael.
The song is called Freedom,and in its lyrics is the reason why Serbs want Free Texas.
You see this singer is unintentionally reveal u.s of a foregn policy and their way of thinking,its all in this lines of the lyrics:
"All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow"
I couldnt say it better myself,this is exactly what Americans do,but unfortunatly for them this singer also wrote this:
You've gotta give what you take"
So you all now,know the reason Serbs in this eworld must free Texas,not because we want it badly,but because Americans must learn to give what they take.

So thats the only reason,stay with us in the future,soon we will report from the battlelines...Vote and Sub....