Why I am Voting for WDIB2 and You Should 2

Day 3,788, 11:52 Published in USA USA by Chris Stanwick

Shortly after I entered the eWorld in 2009, the US was invaded by multiple enemy nations and very nearly wiped. Flash forward nine years, and we're in the same position - under attack on multiple fronts by a well-funded, well-organized group of foes.

In the midst of this, tomorrow is our CP election. I am going to vote for WhydoIbotherToo, and you should too.

WDIB2 has the military command experience that we are going to need to survive this war with our cores intact and our economy not completely wrecked. On top of his own experience, he is surrounding himself with a Cabinet full of seasoned veterans, each bringing their own long years of experience.

WDIB2 is a strong, central leader that will keep the country united in its efforts to fight off our attackers. Our programs will continue to serve the community, and we will win this war.

Vote for WhydoIbotherToo tomorrow and ensure that the USA has a future in the eWorld!

Do it! Vote for WDIB2!