Why are you all here?

Day 3,456, 17:06 Published in Japan Serbia by BastovanSurcinski
Respected all. And everyone else.

Recently I had sent a friend request to one of eJapan's citizens and received a question as a reply where the friend requested asked me why I wanted him in my friends list. I got very confused with the question at first, but replied, nonetheless. To cut the long story short, the player eventually didn't accept it because he saw me as a political threat since I am in an opposing political party, even though I explained that I have zero political activity. His point of view is that even though I might not think that I'm not politically active, I am a member of the opposing party and by my presence alone I fight for their side. Ok, to some point he is right. I do vote regularly. I exist in that political party. I have eJapanese citizenship. I am alive.

But that's not the point.

I am not here for the political struggle. I am not here to conquer. I am not here to show someone that I'm the boss. I'm not here to tease anyone. I am not here to express my dissatisfaction with my personal life.

I am here to play.

I am here to enjoy. I am here to take a break from the real life and enjoy myself in this remote part of my real life. Yes, real life. We are all humans. We all breathe the same, feel the same, love the same, cry the same. We are all the same. The only difference is where were we born. And that doesn't define us. We weren't able to choose that. By our actions we define ourselves. Not by our thoughts, not by our philosophies, no. By our actions. I am currently doing the series of articles Hi! Meet xxx, he is one of us, and I haven't enjoyed myself more since I started playing this god forsaken game again. It is such a pleasure to meet all those people, even like this. To see who's behind that avatar, behind that name. To see who arhangellord really is, to see shirosakura, Ouibster, Oraizan, all the other guys. To see what they like, what do they do, where do they live, how do they spend their days in their lands far away. I am from Serbia, we are a small country. Much like eJapan, actually. There are so few of us, and yet we fight among each others so much. But I guess that it's the same way wherever you go. Neighbours always fight, for this reason, or some other.

But we are not neighbours!

We all live together here. Yes, I know, we do not actually live, but we share the same eSpace here, same ecountry, same efate. I really do not care which party you represent. I really do not care where you are in reality. Hell, I could've asked Ouibster whether he had bombed my country back in '99, but I didn't. Why? Because I don't care. Sorry, Ouibster, I remember your real name, so imagine that I called you by that one, sorry that I've taken you as an example, I really do not mean anything bad. Just need an example, and you're the perfect one.

So here's a bit of history here. In '99 USA, among other countries, bombed Serbia. Reasons not important, that's politics, nothing to do with us, regular folks.

You've all seen that Ouibster was a military pilot. He might've easily bombed my country in those days. Might have not just the same. But you know what?

It doesn't f***ing matter!

He is just a regular man with no influence over anything in this world, just as I am. There is nothing that he can change. There is nothing that I can change. Hell, he's one of the greatest guys I've met here. Even though we didn't really have much contact, it doesn't take much to see one's... bah, what was the word in English... let's say greatness, nothing better comes to my drunken mind. A guy that aims for the greater good, not just looking after his own butt. He actually cares about community. He actually cares about eJapan. He eLives for this very same eJapan.

And guess what? He is not Japanese. I am not Japanese. I came here from eSerbia not to PTO, or something, but to leave that sick political environment. I didn't want to be a part of that. And I found peace here. I found all of you, great guys, that I enjoy eLiving with. Yes, you are all half eDead, you do not publish articles, you do not go to the chatrooms, you do not hang out anywhere. At least not that I know.

But we are all here on the same soil! We all share the same space, we all eBreathe the same eAir!

Again I say, I really do not care whether you are in TLS, SOS, JS or whatever stupid party there is here. I just don't care.

I am here to enjoy myself.

I achieve that by interacting with you, guys. But let's be honest: you're not perfect. Neither am I. I've become a drunkard in the last few months and I enjoy it. Doesn't affect my functionality yet. So there we go. Throw the rocks and all that stuff. I tend to be boring when alone for too long. I sometimes work my ass out and come here to make fun of people just for my own laughs. It makes me feel better when laughing. Even when I laugh alone, it does. I am proud when I see Ukrainian newspapers praising our country for our help. I am proud when I see Ukrainian shouts saluting to Ouibster, because he made several hundred thousands in an air battle against one of eUSA tanks. Or was it against someone else, I don't really remember now. And don't mind me mentioning only Ukraine, I've studied their language, so I have quite a few eUkrainians in my friends list.

I am proud that eJapan never turned it's back on allies.

I'm glad that we stick to our word. I take no part in governing eJapan. I have no influence over anyone here. I just live here. And I don't mind whatever the government does. Because I'm not the guy who would spend hours and hours staring at the screen, waiting for a battle to end. I'm not the guy that would not sleep just to get a RW started, for the sake of eJapan. I'm not the guy that would spend so much effort on a game, so much money on a game. I simply am not. Therefore, since I am not able to do any better, I have no grounds to complain about anything (hope that's the right phrase). I might be able to say something like "Hey, we want a real war" or something like that. But then again, I am not the one that would be there to fight that war. I am not the one that would wait for the battles to end or start. I am not the one that would be able to turn the walls around or do anything. So I'm aware that I'm irrelevant on that field.

Yes, I am irrelevant! And I'm not ashamed of that! I do not run away from that fact.

Since I'm here to enjoy myself, I do so by doing those interviews. And I'm glad that we have InterimoSRB with us, because he's one good journalist. I know that he'll give his best to have our media revived. I am trying to make my presence here both useful and enjoyable for all of us. Since we're all in the same team. Since we're all eJapanese, regardless of our actual origins.

Back to the player from the begging of the article. Now that I look at it I realise it was quite a while ago. About 4 shots of rakija ago...

So. I ask all of you now:

Why are you all here? What makes you login every day, what makes you be here, why don't you leave?

We might not be so active, but do we really have to hate each others? To be honest, I personally disliked a few people here because they were all words, and nothing to back those up. I won't mention anyone, since I didn't tell them anything in ePersonal, but I hope you get my point. They would just be yelling "against the other side", but when would come to actual actions, they would be nowhere to be found. And that's the only reason for it. Then again, I never got in conflict with any of them because of that. Because I do not think that it matters. I didn't like the way they are playing the game, but who am I to interfere with what they enjoy in...

So once again, why are you all here?

Because I would really like to see all of you stop fighting...
