What is a Republican in EREPUBLIK?

Day 483, 08:43 Published in USA Ireland by loftedraptor
What is a Republican in EREPUBLIK?

We are the good guys who stand for a fair days pay for a fair days work, and good jobs and weapons for all our warriors. We are Patriots and love the USA and I invite anyone to look at our war records.

Join us and help us defy the power brokers who were ripping us off with their 25 buck q1 weapons. Something snapped in me when I asked good strong soldiers to go into battle without weapons. I went into battle without weapons because my buddies didn't have weapons, fair is fair. I could have bought Q3s or better. I am really pissed off how things are being run in this country, and it was not the Presidents fault, he was doing everything he could to help us win. Maybe this country needs a little bit of common sense. What makes the Republicans different is that they wish that the Government owned some weapons companies so that no American warrior went into battle without weapons. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. We are bad mouthed because we dare oppose the power brokers who are getting rich off the weapons trade. They don't want us cutting into their profits by daring to propose government owned companies to stockpile weapons in a strategic reserve for defending our country.

Never mind the new Civil Service Middle Class which would be created of loyal, fairly paid workers dedicated to the defense of their country which will screw the hell out of the slave labor camps.

The Power Brokers are going to fight us tooth and nail because we stand for real change.

The decision is yours, are you going to support the same old business as usual, or you going to try to change things for the better?

I invite you to join us in the Republican Party of the USA. We may not win this time around but we are going to put some solutions on the table.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
