West Alaska stolen by Russian Peasants, fairly? You decide.

Day 1,073, 11:52 Published in USA USA by gagah

About thirty minutes ago, we lost our state of West Alaska, the state that started the phrase "the Northern Lights never fade in the Mastercard Empire".

We lost it, and we were in the middle of accepting our loss and going on about how much money we've wasted defending it in the last few weeks, when we stumbled upon a banned Russian account. Not an uncommon occurrence, but still, bear with me. Take a look.

Romool, Russian tank with several Battle Hero Medals.


That's right, gentlemen, Romool, recently banned for multis, was battle hero in the last battle in FER with 100,000 damage

Far be it for me to claim that Russia won that battle with multi gold, I wouldn't dare to make that claim. I'm just saying that Romool most likely got the gold for his BH with multi gold, maybe. I mean, it's possible, right? And I'm not saying that Russia got all of their gold to start these daily RW's from multi's, but I'm not saying that it's a stretch to claim that multis helped.

The question, then, is whether or not the admins will delete Romool's damage. I'm not hopeful, but I'd like to bring this possible fallacious win to their attention. And yours.