Well, look what happened ...

Day 1,224, 05:44 Published in USA USA by John Killah
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I gotta hand it to the admins, they sure now how to move things around!

Grain was fairly steady at between 0.07 and 0.10 for so long, then they decided, "Let's make raw material production double just like food!" and suddenly, the bottom fell out and grain landed at 0.03 and stayed there, only once breifly venturing to 0.06.

And look at the market now, i'm looking at highs i've never seen with Grain - 0.30! That's a 10 fold increase from the lows, but the thing is, are we any better off?

I'll use one of my employee's as an example (Hope you don't mind) - They produced 492 Grain, sell that at 0.03 and I'd get $14.76. Now, they only produced 82 Grain (Pretty big drop there eh) and what will they get me? $24.60? Well what ya know, I'm earning more.

So for once, the admins may have done something right, but the long term effects are yet to be seen or felt.