Weekly economic review

Day 3,954, 07:05 Published in USA USA by Alias12

Hello everyone,

Today I want to share with you some insights about the economy of our eWorld. The game gives us the opportunity to view the ranking of the countries according to their military power, population, or damage done by its citizens in battles. However, no ranking by economic power is provided to us. This is what I want to do in this article.

Global Economy

Our eWorld seems to be going great regarding the economy. I started collecting some data 11 days ago and since then, the global nominal GDP has increased by 31.96%, while the market trade has increased by 23.47%. A factor that can explain this is also the massive increase in prices, especially Q7 weapons we have seen lately. I measure the market trade as the amount of VAT tax collected. The more tax is collected globally, the more goods have been sold and bought.

I have heard a lot of times that wars are the main engine that drives this game forward. Personally, I like this game also for the economy part, where you can make money by building companies and trading on the market, but now I see why war is the main thing here.

The graph above shows that 49% of the global GDP comes from weapon manufacturing. The rest of the industries: food, housing and aircraft industry account for the other 51%. Aircraft industry as the newest introduced feature in the game is the least developed one and amounts for only 1% of the total GDP.


In this section, I will show a ranking of the top 10 biggest producing countries in each industry and in total. If your country is not in the top 10 places and you really want to see how it compares with other countries, you can find the full data at this link.

Ranking of countries according to food production on Day 3,953.

Ranking of countries according to weapons production on Day 3,953.

Ranking of countries according to house production on Day 3,953.

Ranking of countries according to aircraft production on Day 3,953.

Ranking of countries according to total GDP on Day 3,953.
Ranking of countries according to VAT tax collected on Day 3,953.

Just one word for the last ranking table. Most of the countries apply 1% VAT tax. However, there are countries, like Hungary, which applies different levels of VAT tax to different products. Countries with higher VAT tax will collect more taxes, for the same number of items traded on the market. So the last table can be seen as a ranking of the activity of the market only for countries that apply the same level of VAT tax.

I wish everyone liked this article. If there is any question or idea you want to share with me, you can either comment here or PM me. I wish you a good time.
