Vranjo umra!! :-( (edit: translated to english with google translate)

Day 2,313, 05:19 Published in Croatia Croatia by overk

Sjedim u kafani nakon noćne, ispijam treći pelinkovac, i pogodi me ko grom iz vedra neba. Pelinkovac poskupio!
Pa nabijemvas sve, ajd kontam, izgubili smo wep bonuse, pale plaće, ljudi se malo uljenili,... ali suncevamvaše, pa zašto je poskupio pelin! A kod mene se pelinom smatra samo jedan - onaj od Maraske, sve ono ostalo spada u pića za p***.
A taj pelin je čudna stvar,.. piješ piješ,.. i za razliku od uobičajene bauštelske pive koja ti umrtvi svaki živac pa i onaj međunožni, što više ovog piješ, to si sretniji i poletniji, … mislim,.. do jedno 9-te ture,.. onda počinju problemi.. Evo neki trupac pored mene taman probo sič sa barske stol’ce i opatosio se ko ona Miletova kruška o smrznutu ličku zemlju. Gledam ja njega, gleda on mene onom tupom facom i kontamo se,.. Tipični Hrvati koji se vode onom “Nek je meni krepala krava ako susjedu krepaju dvije” ,.. gleda oču li i ja krenit pa da se ija složim. Reko oš malo moj k**** i za ćeif naručim još jedan dupli, .. i to bez leda... Ovom oč’ ispale, ma mislim se konj’no jedna neš ti mene j*** saš’ ti vid’t što je muško. Drmnem svoj dupli,.. ovaj još sjedi na podu,.. naručim još jedan... ona jadna konobar’ca,.. jadno dijete,.. vidjelo da je vrag odnjeo šalu, pa mi probalo skratit dozu,.. reko mala nemoj me zajebavat nego toči kako spada. Otresem i to,.. i pogledam onog, na podu. Mislim se “E muko moja, kukala ti majka da te sad vidi. Otac bi ti zidarsku izauva puko štos’ šonjo”. … Odsjedio sam ja još dvije ture,.. i mačak platio,.. reko , “Ajd mala zdravo,.. a ti pij drugi put u tu glavurdu ne u guicu, konjino”. I govoreči to krenu da siđem,.. i sišo sam,.. samo,.. nisam znao da je pod tolko daleko. Što ja više stojim, to mi pod bliži. Reko .. majstore ovo neče valjat. ….3 minute kasnije,.. gleda on mene,.. gledam ja njega,.. i krepavamo od smijeha. Pa reko,.. “Jebote nije me mrki međed sastavio,. a ovaj pelin je,.. nemoš to bit normalno da me j****”. Kaže jaro,.. “I ti si mi se našo pričat o tome ko pije u guj’cu a ko uglavu,.. pa teb je glava veča od guj’ce i to za par kubika, kol’ko vidim”... “Ma vidiš ti duplo a mozga imaš duplo manje od sviju nas
Pa jebo te jel ti misliš ičim osim sa tim pokrivalom želuca u obliku lopte medicinke?

Sinoć dođem malo sebi i sjednem za lap i vidim neko puko ope NE na servis za čaj. Reko “Jebote! Mile igra erep i ope me zajebaje!”. Gledam ono YES gledam ono NO.. i nekontam zašto ima više YES.
Otfrljim čep sa jednog plavog šibenskog od deca i otresem ga ko bosanac bukvu pa pogledam kanale. Uzjeb*** se na sve strane i viče YES YES YES ko najgore kineske porničarke.
Reko “Vrag odija šalu i utočija mi metanol”, aj ti malo bolje izvidi. I gledan i gledan,.. gleda i ono mene.
Gledam svi se kunu u Brazilke i njihove guzice, hm il kongres, nešto od tog.
Pitan onog koji je CP duže od Tita pokojnog, što napadaju dobre guzice, ali su im njihove vodoravne p*** dosadile? (men nebi). Čovjek me izbombardiro ko Ameri švabu i baci me u bandak.
Pa lipin guzicama prvo palo napamet da se avionima bacaju negdi po svijetu bez da su ikog pitale. Aj prošlo bi to, ko nevoli lipu guzu (mušku ili žensku el). Al onda opalilo neke napade koje isto niko ne konta, poželilo se i ono vodoravnih. Malo kasnije pogledan malo, koja guza vodi tu zemlju. A ono NIKOLA! Eba te! Niđo posta turoperator (ped** el), i to u doslovnon smislu riječi. Prvo bi pobjega aviJonom pa ode među muške.
I sjetin se ja svoje majke koja mi uvik govori (i sad u 2014, aj neko nek joj kaže da je Vranjo umra strpače ga u onaj bestrzajac koji čuva u štali još od ‘91 i ispalit na onaj parking koji zovu Slovenija..osim ako ga ne promaši pa završi u Grazu) “E moj sinko kad nama naš Vranjo bude umra svi smo najebali, ped*** če nam doči glave”. Nisan ju konta do ovog događaja.
Sad tek vidin. Umro Vranjo pa Niđo radi ršum po našoj napaćenoj ko švabo po Sutjesci.
Ajte pamet u glavu, popijte par pelina, štokova il konjaka pa razumom glasat, ne emocijama. ….. Sjetite se moje majke i Vranje.


Eh da,.. doli je prijevod na Ingleški, ko pročita a ne nasmije se bar jednon,. umra je 😛

ooops English translation for non-cro readers translated by Google translate

I'm sitting in a bar after a night, I drink bitters third, and hit me like a bolt from the blue. Bitters rose!
Well nabijemvas all, C'mon get it, we lost the WEP bonuses, wages have fallen, people are a little uljenili ... but suncevamvaše, so why is the rose absinthe! And for me the wormwood was only one - that of cherry, everything else falls into the drink of p ***.
And that absinthe is a strange thing, .. drink drink .. and unlike the usual bauštelske beer that you numb every nerve, and the crouch, the more you drink this, it's happier and more energetic ... I mean .. to one 9 -and tours .. then starting problems .. Here is a log next to me just stabbed SiC Bar stol'ce and opatosio it is difficult Miletus pear Lika on the frozen ground. I look it, he looks at me that blunt faces and accounts are .. Typical Croats who conducted that "let the cow if I had died two neighbor die on us" .. preservation watching you and I kreniti and to whose agree. Reko Elementary School to my little **** and ćeif I order another double, .. and no ice this developme ... 'turned out, however I think the one konj'no somethin to me j *** Saš' your vision ' t as male. DRMNO his double .. this still sitting on the floor .. I order another ... it konobar'ca poor, poor child .., .. saw the devil went home to tell a joke, so I tried shorten dose .. reko small Do not fuck with me than pouring properly. Shake off and that .. and that I look at the floor. I think the "E muko my hook your mother that you now see. Your father would float or izauva mere stunt "twerp". He did ... I have two more tours, cat .. and pay .. reko, "C'mon little healthy .. and you drink the second time in the glavurdu not in Guice, nimrod." And saying to go to go down, and Siso .. I .. just .. I did not know that at Tolko away. What more I stand here, under closer. Reko masters .. this will not work. .... 3 minutes later .. he looks at me, look at me .. it ..'s dying and laughing. So I said .. "Fuck me not brown Međed compiled. and this absinthe is .. nemoš it will normally to me j **** ". Jaro says, .. "You're my Naso talk about who drinks in guj'cu and who mainly .. so teb head larger than guj'ce and in a few cubic meters, see how many of" ... "Well see you twice and you have half the brain from all of us
Well fuck you think right by anything except those covering the stomach in the form of a medicine ball?

Last night I get a little bit myself and sit in a lap and see a mere ope NOT a service for tea. I said "Fuck! Mile erep game and ope me much shit ". I watch what I watch what YES and NO .. Uncontrolled why there are more YES.
Otfrljim cap with a blue Šibenik from children and shook him like a bosnian beech and look channels. Uzjeb *** on all sides and yelling YES YES YES co worst Chinese porničarke.
I said "Devil Odus joke and we utočija methanol," You tell me a little better spy. I watched and watched, .. and it looks to me.
I watch all swear by Brazilians and their asses, er il Congress, some of that.
Pitan one that CP longer than the late Tito, which attack the good ass, but they are their horizontal p *** tired? (Men would). A man like me izbombardiro Americans a Hun and throw me in Bandak.
Well Lipin asses first came to my mind that the planes thrown somewhere in the world without that anyone asked. Ai went to it, who does not like penny ass (male or female w). But then it went off some attacks that also nobody accounts, and that he wished to horizontal. Looked a little bit later, which leads the country buttocks. And what NIKOLA! Eb you! Niđo fasting tour operator (** ped w), in doslovnon sense. First to overspeed Board Forums and went among men.
And I sjetin his mother who always ends up talking to me (and now in 2014, some tea and let her say it Vranje Umra strpače him in the bestrzajac that keeps the barn since '91 and to fire the one who called Slovenia parking .. unless he misses and ends in Graz) "E my son when we our bunghole is Umra we're all screwed, ped *** heads will come to us." Nisan her account to this event.
Now only Vidin. He died Vranje and Niđo works rsum by our troubled by the Krauts who Sutjeska.
Stir in mind your head, have a couple of wormwood, Stoke yl cognac and vote by reason, not emotion. Remember ..... my mother and Vranje.
