Vote TheNorm for PP

Day 3,251, 04:02 Published in USA USA by MaryamQ

Once upon a time, 50+ election cycles ago, several eBelgians were stationed in the eUS as supply officers for the Belgian National Army. United in our reason for being here, we were yet a diverse group and joined several different parties, at various levels of activity. I chose SFP at that time because I was familiar with the writings of several members, including Phoenix Quinn, Lysander Spooner, and Samuel Seabury, who was party president at the time. Samuel kindly welcomed me into the Revolutionary Committee, and I had the opportunity to meet several other good people. One of these, TheNorm, befriended me on IRC and kept contact with me off and on over the intervening years, ultimately convincing me to return to the eUS and join him in Easy Company.

When I was originally in SFP, it was threatened by Addy Lawrence, who hoped to take it over with his band of eCanadian refugees. This attempt was repulsed, in part because SFP was respected by many outside the party. A similar assault by Cerb last month was successful, not only because the members were open and trusting, but also because much of that respect had been diminished by attempts to overthrow the dictatorship. Nevertheless, the party remains one of the oldest and most widely recognized in the game. Cerb’s unilateral change of the party name notwithstanding, the core of the party remains unbowed and ready to move forward.

This bear can’t believe what happened. TheNorm is a former commander of Bear Cavalry.

One of the constants in SFP, as well as in my eLife, has been TheNorm. He has consistently refused to give up, no matter how much he might disagree with choices other party members have made. He has, at the same time, been widely liked and respected in the rest of the eUS community. When he asked me to return to the party and support him for Party President, I agreed, secure in the belief that he would bring a measure of maturity and stability to the party while respecting its traditional democratic values. It is no surprise that the majority of party members voting in the recent primary also supported him. There are few players in the game who are more genuine, more intelligent, more loyal or more compassionate. This will be a time for rebuilding and reassessing, and TheNorm, with his experience in working with teams at various levels of the game, is well qualified to facilitate that.

For these reasons, I am endorsing TheNorm for PP of SFP/ARP. He is the right man for the job, and he deserves your support.