VOTE Hanibal LA for President of the United States: Duty, Honor, Country

Day 1,779, 21:09 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

If the AFA were the USS Colorado, this is the speech we would give to America:
Since I am pushing this article so hard, you can count on it being of the utmost importance. You have certainly heard a lot of propaganda and seen a lot of mud slung at our party, and its Presidential candidate. I am going to expose to you what the REAL threat is to a strong and sovereign America, and I hope not only the country, but the whole world listens. After you read what I have to say, I hope you will see that the logical conclusion for ANY Patriotic e-American should be to Join the American Freedom Alliance and Vote Hanibal LA for Country President on Friday, October 5th.

If elected President, Hanibal has vowed to restore our 10/10 resource bonuses, which without them we have been devastated economically and militarily as a nation. He has vowed to create a government that represents all the citizens of this great land. He has even asked people from numerous parties, backgrounds, and philosophies to serve in his cabinet in a remarkable gesture of national unity. His opponent, has made no secret that he is extremely authoritarian, arrogant, and will seek to continue, or even worsen the destructive policies of the Palestinian Stevens Administration. This man even bribed a former friend of mine to steal our military unit(which always has PRO-US orders) with the goal of making a mockery of it and making it useless, thereby attempting to prevent over 100 active American soldiers from supporting our war effort. We need a leader with emotional maturity, not one who has no character.

For those of you who are perplexed by this election, please allow me explain it to you. Basically, the elites within the country are angry that a group which does not fall lockstep with their agenda has a large and growing base of support. Hanibal LA is a very popular figure with wide ranging appeal across a huge spectrum of the eUSA, and he is supported by the AFA, and 7 other parties. There have been baseless accusations that Hanibal, or the AFA, intends to steal the treasury and send it off to a foreign nation. They make up some nonsense about America’s most tolerant and cosmopolitan party being a “threat” and “terrorists” when we simply embrace diversity, which is what has always made America so great. This is a complete lie without even a tiny morsel of evidence to back it up, and it is a dirty and desperate tactic to try and stop a different kind of President from taking over. If this were a real life election, these people would have libel lawsuits stacked up the wazoo.

Through a very flawed and corrupt process, Henry “Pfeiffer” Arundel anointed himself as the USWP nominee, and got others within the establishment to back him as some sort of an “anti-PTO Unity candidate”, which is laughable at best for several reasons. Firstly, he is one of the most hated and divisive people in the country, who is known to be very impatient and not very nice to those who do not agree with everything he says. All this will do is fracture a nation which already is suffering a great deal. Secondly, it is well documented that on another game similar to this one, he became President, decided to run off with the US treasury, and was then forced to give it back and impeached. Are we really going to trust a guy who has already done this once, to not do it again? Whatever you may think of Hanibal, or those supporting him, surely he must be a better alternative to someone who has already proven that he is willing to be so selfish as to take all of our hard earned tax dollars. The absurd irony of his opponent accusing him of committing the very crime that Arundel has already done once before should NOT be ignored for the sake of our national security and the protection of our national treasure.

There was a Presidential debate last night, or at least there was supposed to be. It consisted of Hanibal ripping Arundel to pieces in his opening statement, and then Arundel refusing to continue to the question portion of the debate. He was not even willing to defend himself, maybe because it was ALL TRUE? The rest of the show consisted of he and his government goon buddies talking about his assured pending victory as if there was not even an Election. Do you want a leader with the arrogance to say he is already your President-to-be without even a vote being cast? or do you want a leader with the grace and humility to ask you for your vote? There are those who believe that they can force upon the people anything they want, with or without their consent. NO ONE can take away your liberty without you letting them do it, so I have one important question to ask you about this critical election.

You can be sure that Arundel and his puppets will be chewing your ear off in every possible way they can to try to sell you a bunch of nonsense about how he is the one you have to vote for, and how it is a matter of “national security”, etc. I ask that you look at the facts, and the way that both candidates and their surrogates behave. This phrase is overused, but in this case, it may very well be true. This is one of the most important Country Presidential elections we have EVER had as a nation. You have two choices America. You can choose to side with tyrants and oppressors who are hurting our country and running it through the ground, and who threaten you if you oppose their policies, OR you can choose to have the courage to say it is time we put principled leadership in office. It is time we stop listening to the lies we are told month after month and realize who and what the TRUE national security threat is, and it is time we elect Hanibal LA as President of the United States of America.

Semper Fi o7
Ronald Gipper Reagan
AFA Congressman
American Patriot