Vojna jedinica / Military unit

Day 3,868, 13:58 Published in Serbia Serbia by APBT SRB

Pozdrav svima, malo ću pisati o vojnoj jedinici gde se sada nalazim.
Mobile Elite Korp- MEK

Dugo vremena vojne jedinice nemaju funkciju druženja, zajedničkog pucanja, podela opreme za vojnike…
Više služe za postavljanje CO i resavanje DO. A i DO osim 1 ebs nije nista posebno i admini bi odavno trebali zameniti nagrade, komplet za sastavljanje bazuke mislim da niko ne koristi.

U MEK je druga priča mnogo se radi na zajednici i druženju izmedju igrača.
Jedan od primera se može videti i u ovom članku gde se svake nedelje dobijaju poeni (MEKHabs) mnogo igrača dele jedni drugima poene sa kojima se dobijaju besplatne kuće.
Zapravo je i cilj programa upoznavanje i komunikacija medju igračima.
Vojna jedinica ima i grupu na Telegramu zanimljiva druženja i bolja koordinacija.

Svaki član na kraju nedelje dobije nagradu za broj ubistava koje je napravio.
Možete videti primer ovde. Možete učestvovati i u programu za MEK radnike gde se dobije dodatna podela opreme, ali nije obavezno.

Portugal i Srbija su članovi istog saveza i dugo vremena savzenici.

Ko god želi da se pridruži može se javiti meni ili komandi vojne jedinice.
Pisco Soares

Hello everyone.
I will write a little bit about the MU where I’m currently settled.
Mobile Elite Korp - MEK

It’s been a long time that the military units don’t have much socialization, group fighting, equipment giveaways to soldiers, etc. They are mostly used for setting up CO’s and doing DO’s. And the DO itself is nothing special besides that 1 Energy Bar, the Admins should have already changed the rewards since the bazooka parts are pretty much not used by anyone.

MEK is a totally different story. It focuses a lot on the community and the socialization among players. One of the examples can be seen in this article, where points (MEKHabs) are awarded each week. Many players can share points with each other and they are used for getting free houses. The goal of the program is for the players to socialize and get to know each other. The military unit also has a Telegram group, interesting meetings and a better coordination.
Each member gets a reward at the end of the week depending on the number of kills he has made. You can see an example here. You can also participate in the MEK worker program, where additional equipment is received, but this isn’t obligatory.

Portugal and Serbia are members of the same alliance and are long time allies.

Whoever wants to join can talk to me or the military unit command
Pisco Soares
