Day 2,106, 16:55 Published in Belgium Belgium by Aries Sun


As the Barbarians conquered Rome with their superior cavalry, they said, "Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus," meaning “We came, We saw, We conquered…” and this was simply a trite imitation in the 1st.person plural of “Veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered), i.e. the sentence Caius Julius Caesar

is said to have written to Roman Senate in 47 BC after he defeated at the first assault king Pharnaces in the battle of Zela (today Turkey).

“…et Fistula Cecinimus” translated from the Latin means: “…and we played the bagpipes”.

As I myself am very fond of the history and I had to learn Latin proverbs in my youth, this was short reminder of it.

What I really wanted to say with this phrase “We came, We saw, We conquered …and we played the bagpipes” is:

The history repeated itself once again, and the H.O.P.E. political party has achieved once again outstanding result at the Congress elections held yesterday.

I've have hoped for us to get most of the votes at the end of the day, but some multi bots from the Res Belgica political party ruined my dream. So we are obliged to share first place with them this month.

They are largest political party by the number of its members, it is true, but it is only because their party is full of multies.

What is very strange and most intriguing, one of their members is obvious multi. And their party president also acting as a MoNS for the time being; acknowledged in his last report:

they have banned some of his multies already, but he is still playing and is part of Res Belgica.

And what I think after all; we are still by the miles the greatest political party of eBelgium.

In the years to come and for the new generations of players to grow; H.O.P.E. lives forever.