USWP writing contest article \o/

Day 2,002, 13:14 Published in USA USA by Thern alpha

If I was CP for a week, I would really only do 2 things.

1. I would rework the way to have the top 5 parties organized. I would try to combine some of the smaller and larger parties into larger entities. The reason I would do this is to keep the ppl and power of those parties that currently are in the top 5 but allow smaller groups an increased amount of say, without taking votes from the top 5 and not allowing more pto parties to get into the top 5.

Now this would cause some ppl in leadership spots to lose their jobs and could if handled to fast or without the proper groundwork would result in 2-3 huge parties that would disorganized. And would merge several smaller 6th party into 2 larger parties that could put their leadership would be unprepared for. But that would something that would work out if the idea was picked up the nation’s leadership and the party leaderships.

2. I would try a recruitment and education push to get the bodies and brains to hopefully overcome the AFA and to kick them to curb. The eUSA needs more ppl in order for us the flex the in game muscles we have but can’t use due to either lack of ppl or due to a lack of qualified ppl in the right spots at the right times.

This idea is the most vague and would require a fair bit of brain storming to flesh it out into a workable plan.

Thanks for reading

TDLR summary:
Make some of the top 5 parties merge and then merge some of the 6th parties to keep the power the 4 legit parties currently have and get new players into power.

And start a recruitment and education push to remove the AFA from the top 5 and to improve the eUSA.