UKPP Congress Awareness Program

Day 3,533, 12:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Leo Balzac

Missing Congress Persons
We here at UKPP headquarters have noticed a startling trend of disappearing members of Congress. They appear on the 26th bright eyed and bushy tailed and yet, mysteriously disappear hours later, taking their 5g with them. Who could be responsible for these terrifying events?

Quite frankly, us at UKPP HQ don't care. Most of the congress members from other parties simply get in the way of running a country. They can't be trusted to make the right decisions at the right times. In fact, they prefer to dither over did what to whom over 2 years ago.

So if you want TRUE activity up in your congress, people who are actually willing to work for the good of the nation and not just fight about past transgressions and personalities, then vote UKPP in the upcoming Congressional Elections.

We won't ask you to give us your gold. We won't even ask you to join us, if you actually wanted to play the game at the top level, you'd already be a part of our team. So do what's best for eUK, vote UKPP and let us get on with gettin' on.

XO Leo