Turkey leaving EDEN ?? So fast ?

Day 1,958, 05:32 Published in Romania Romania by zmeuNY


It seems Turkey already wants to pack its bags and leave the EDEN Alliance.
At this point, the score in Central Analtolia is 33 - 0 in favor of Poland. Are they giving up on the brotherhood real fast, or is this another game played by the kids in Turkey ?

The Law is being proposed by none other than Turkey's CP Hacoguz who may have had an impulsive moment. But, do we play on impulse? Or, what was his reason? He clicked it, so I think the matter deserves some explanation / justification.

Leave Alliance LAW

Turkey - Country Administration Section

We had an official message from Turkey's CP Hacoguz ...in this Article yesterday. The message is a call to arms in order to protect the newly to-be-acquired Gold Mine.

There's also a famous bug in the game, whereas it may seem that countries such as Serbia or Romania have laws pending to leave an Alliance. However, if you manually browse to the countries' Administation Sections there are no pending laws.


Versiunea in Limba Romana

Se pare ca Turcia isi face deja bagajele si vrea sa iasa din Alianta EDEN. Momentan lupta din Anatolia Centrala cu Polonia este ca si compromisa. Asta dupa ce Presedintele lor (chiar cel care acum propune legea de parasire a Aliantei) indemna toate tarile sa lupte pentru Turcia.