True Patriot Tour #1

Day 2,238, 03:51 Published in United Kingdom Israel by TheRepoMan


I has decide to travel around the eWorld, people can´t go freely around whit their organs, soo gona be making a True Patriot medal on each country, on that long long quest, I m about to start, thanks to GeneCO.

Actual state of the project

A lot of work to do still


Want to say goobye to eUK citizens, you got a nice comunnity of people than likes to help and share whit their comrades, soo success its asured for eUK. Want to thanks specilly to TUP for the warm welcome, to Wes Lewis than was grant my the CS, and to Max Blue, his help translating a few articles almost a year ago, was the motive for what i come to eUK. (of course too for Carrie and Dr Who)

Later be tired of travel, or if any day i acomplish that quest for the company, probably would get back to eUK and his people.

True Patriot Tour /ESP/

He decidido viajar por el eMundo, no puedo permitir que haya gente por ahí con sus órganos, cuando llevan uno o dos recibos impagados. Por lo que voy a ir haciendo una True Patriot, en cada epaís por el que pase. Quiero agradecer a GeneCO la financiación, para llevar a cabo dichas reposiciones.

Actual state of the project

Aún queda un montón de trabajo por hacer.

Esto no hace falta, que es para los amigos de habla inglesa.

BONUS a Words from the Prophet // Unas palabras del Profeta

Anything than goes far from the 2 clicks its evil! remember that!, not more than one hour u shall spend on erep, or the punish of Milo shall fall on your.

Cualquier cosa que vaya más allá de los dos clicks es malvada!, recordar esto! No más de una hora debéis gastar en erep, o el castigo de milo caerá sobre vosotros!

A master piece of the Prophet of Clickerism, Milo Manara