Transparantie / Transparency

Day 2,155, 01:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ElGorro
[English version below]

Beste Democraten, geachte medeburgers!

De regering werkt met geld dat is verkregen op diverse manieren. Via belastingen of donaties, maar ook op wat minder zichtbare manieren. Afgelopen weken heeft Democratisch Nederland inzicht gevraagd naar de opbrengsten vanuit programma's die niet in de openbare Financial Sheet worden meegenomen.
Het liefste zou Democratisch Nederland zien, dat alle financien in deze sheet worden meegenomen. Dit resulteerde op een hoop tegenstand. Veel mensen willen dit om diverse niet publiek beschikbaar stellen. Als compromis hebben we toen voorgesteld dit dan te doen in de private congress sectie, waar alleen de regering en het congres toegang toe hebben.

Hoe is het nu in de wet opgenomen?

Article 6 – Treasury of the eNetherlands
1. The Treasury of the eNetherlands consists of all currencies, companies, and organizations owned by the eNetherlands.
2. The Treasury of the eNetherlands is owned by all citizens of the eNetherlands. The Treasury is thus owned by all and by none. No single citizen can claim a part of the Treasury.
3. The Treasury of the eNetherlands is managed by the Government of the eNetherlands.

Article 3 – Ministry of Finance
1. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for administrating the Treasury of the eNetherlands, in accordance with the will of the Congress of the eNetherlands.
2. The organization ‘Ministerie van Economische Zak’ serves as the current account of the eNetherlands. Money transfers from ‘Ministerie van Economische Zak’ can be made freely by the Government.
3. The organization ‘DNB’ serves as the savings account of the eNetherlands. Money transfers from ‘DNB’ are only allowed with Congressional approval.
4. All citizens of the eNetherlands have the right to be informed on the Treasury of the eNetherlands and all monetary transactions, unless the Government considers the divulgation of such information to be detrimental to the interests of the eNetherlands.
5. The Congress of the eNetherlands has the right to be informed on the Treasury of the eNetherlands and all monetary transactions. If the Government considers the divulgation of certain information to be detrimental to the interests of the eNetherlands, the information requested will be provided in the Private section of Congress.

Zoals je kan lezen, heeft elke Nederlander gewoon recht om inzicht te krijgen in alle transacties. Maar gezien deze niet worden gegeven, is onderstaande motie gemaakt:
Congress requests the Government to provide Congress a monthly report of the MM project. The report contains at least the total amount of money used in the project and the monthly profit made This can be done in the private section of Congress, to provide secrecy.

De stemming:

ElGorro (DemNL)
odan (I&W)
Tim Veltkamp (I&W)

van Spijck (GPN & CP)
Zeeuwsmeisje (GPN & SSoFA)
FrankieVB (GPN & CoC)
pieper126 (GPN & SSoD)
Aries Prime (GPN)
Piet Heyn (GPN)

071Leiden (GPN & MoHA)
Marnix Maximus (UNP)
Weekstrom (VVN & MoF)

* Volgorde in volgorde van stemming

Duidelijk is het te zien waar de grote tegenstanders zitten. Er worden een aantal mensen niet vertrouwd in Congres. Om hiervoor begrip te geven komen we vanavond met een aangepaste Motie. Deze geeft aan dat de Motie pas zal worden uitgevoerd zodra er ingame een nieuw Congres is gekozen. Het volk kan haar vertegenwoordigers kiezen en deze moeten gewoon volgens de wet hun werk kunnen doen.

Congress requests the Government to provide Congress a monthly report of the MM project. The report contains at least the total amount of money used in the project and the monthly profit made This can be done in the private section of Congress, to provide secrecy.
As a large group in Congress does not trust the rest of Congress, the first report will not be done before a new Congress has been elected ingame. After that moment a first report will be done within two weeks. After that a report will be given every month.

Ik hoop dat iedereen deze Democratische oplossing zal respecteren.

Het gehele debat is te lezen via:

Mochten hier nog vragen over bestaan, hoor ik deze graag!

Lang leve de Democratie!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Partij President

Dear Democrats and fellow citizens!

The government works with money that is gathered via multiple ways, via taxes, donations, but also via less visible ways. Last weeks Democratisch Nederland worked hard to get more insight on those transactions. We wanted to see how much was earned in those programs and how much money there currently is in. These numbers are not shown in the public Financial Sheet.
We would love to include these transactions or a monthly summary in the Financial Sheet. We ran into great resistance for that. A lot of people dont want these numbers to be public because of different reasons. As compromise we suggested to share it via the private Congress section, where only the Government and Congress have access to.

Now have a look on the Lawbook:

Article 6 – Treasury of the eNetherlands
1. The Treasury of the eNetherlands consists of all currencies, companies, and organizations owned by the eNetherlands.
2. The Treasury of the eNetherlands is owned by all citizens of the eNetherlands. The Treasury is thus owned by all and by none. No single citizen can claim a part of the Treasury.
3. The Treasury of the eNetherlands is managed by the Government of the eNetherlands.

Article 3 – Ministry of Finance
1. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for administrating the Treasury of the eNetherlands, in accordance with the will of the Congress of the eNetherlands.
2. The organization ‘Ministerie van Economische Zak’ serves as the current account of the eNetherlands. Money transfers from ‘Ministerie van Economische Zak’ can be made freely by the Government.
3. The organization ‘DNB’ serves as the savings account of the eNetherlands. Money transfers from ‘DNB’ are only allowed with Congressional approval.
4. All citizens of the eNetherlands have the right to be informed on the Treasury of the eNetherlands and all monetary transactions, unless the Government considers the divulgation of such information to be detrimental to the interests of the eNetherlands.
5. The Congress of the eNetherlands has the right to be informed on the Treasury of the eNetherlands and all monetary transactions. If the Government considers the divulgation of certain information to be detrimental to the interests of the eNetherlands, the information requested will be provided in the Private section of Congress.

As you can read, everyone Dutch has the right to get insight in all transactions. But as the government isnt planning to share it, we started the Motion below:
Congress requests the Government to provide Congress a monthly report of the MM project. The report contains at least the total amount of money used in the project and the monthly profit made This can be done in the private section of Congress, to provide secrecy.

De vote:

In favor:
ElGorro (DemNL)
odan (I&W)
Tim Veltkamp (I&W)

van Spijck (GPN & CP)
Zeeuwsmeisje (GPN & SSoFA)
FrankieVB (GPN & CoC)
pieper126 (GPN & SSoD)
Aries Prime (GPN)
Piet Heyn (GPN)

071Leiden (GPN & MoHA)
Marnix Maximus (UNP)
Weekstrom (VVN & MoF)

* Order in order of voting

It's clear where the oponents are. Its because they do not trust several Congress Members. To show understanding, we will propose an altered motion tonight. This one will be executed right after a new Congress is chosen ingame. The people can choose their representatives and these representatives should be able to do their jobs according to the Law.

Congress requests the Government to provide Congress a monthly report of the MM project. The report contains at least the total amount of money used in the project and the monthly profit made This can be done in the private section of Congress, to provide secrecy.
As a large group in Congress does not trust the rest of Congress, the first report will not be done before a new Congress has been elected ingame. After that moment a first report will be done within two weeks. After that a report will be given every month.

I hope everyone will respect this Democratical solution.

You can read the complete debate her:

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Long live Democracy!

With best regards,

Party President