To former Moldavian citizens/Pentru fostii cetateni moldoveni

Day 147, 08:26 Published in Romania USA by Titu Maiorescu
This article is in both English and Romanian. Acest articol este si in engleza si in romana.

Today will remain known in The New World History the day when Romania became once again (and once and for all) Great. Therefore, I propose that April 15th becomes the National Day of Romania. Please express your opinion below and vote for the article if you agree to this proposition.

On an unrelated matter, the Romanian presidency has a very important announcement to the former citizens of Moldova. You all know that you did not automatically receive any Romanian currency when Moldova united into Great Romania. Therefore, Romania's treasury (with the remarkable help from Bula Ostrovick) offers 50 RON for every former Moldavian citizen or company-owner that comments to this article. You will find a list of the people who received the fee at the bottom of the article.
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Ziua de astazi va ramane in istorie Noii Lumi ca fiind ziua in care Romania a devenit din nou Mare. De aceea, propun ca ziua de 15 Aprilie sa devina Ziua Nationala a eRomaniei. Astept parerea ta despre aceasta propunere, precum si votul tau pentru articol daca esti de acord cu ea.

In alta ordine de idei, presedentia Romaniei are un anunt extrem de important pentru fostii cetateni moldoveni. Cu totii stiti ca nu ati primit in mod automat moneda romaneasca in momentul Marii Uniri. De aceea, trezoreria Romaniei (si cu ajutorul lui Bula Ostrovick) ofera 50 RON fiecarui fost cetatean sau manager moldovean care raspunde la acest articol. O lista a celor care au primit acest ajutor este disponibila mai jos:

1 Anatolie 100 RON
2 rsut 50 RON
3 wwwasea 150 RON
4 Stefan cel Mare 50 RON
5 Pan Halippa 50 RON
6 serfur 50 RON
7 gabri 50 RON
8 vasica 50 RON
9 Marilyn 50 RON
10 Bill Lordman 50 RON
11Voronin 50 RON
12 consult 50 RON
13 grigoreureche 50 RON
14 JeffLC 50 RON
15 tree2000 50 RON
16 Donald trump 50 RON
17 Cepraga Sergiu 50 RON
18 John Actarus 50 RON
19 Lord Viking 50 RON
21 euca 50 RON
22 Dorin Chirtoaca 50 RON
23 ionik 50 RON