Time to Go Presidential: Part Two

Day 1,048, 03:56 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

In my last article, I announced my decision to run for the office of president and listed some key goals of my administration if I am elected. In this article, I will go over more specific plans for making those goals realistic, which is more important to our nation than simple promises that are unrealistic.

One of the major goals that I mentioned in my last article is to connect the past with the future; or to elaborate, to create bridge between the experienced players and newer or less experienced generation of players. To accomplish this noble goal, I plan on creating assistant position for most cabinet positions. The plan is to appoint someone highly experienced in the field for the main Minister while someone who is interested in the position but has not experienced enough can apply for assistant position to work under the experienced player. Hopefully, this will allow opportunity for the players to get more in depth training of the position giving them experiences they need to do a better job.

Furthermore, I plan on creating new governmental position, Governmental Volunteers, which will not be part of the cabinet, but will be part of the government. This position will be open to everyone who wishes to get involved in the government through application, making it easier for any players, Old or new, to get involved in the government. This could serve as a stepping stone for anyone who wants to serve as congressmen, president, cabinet members, and other leadership position in future. Furthermore, this could also bring in valuable talents into the community of eJapan which has in the past largely ignored due to lack of available opportunities.

What I envision Government Volunteer position to be is a community of citizens who are interested in helping this nation. This position will mainly serve as an all-purpose position that could help out anywhere in the government where we could use some help. Be it economy, media, military, event coordinator, election coordinator, or etc; there are so many things in our nation that can use some help. While this position will not be powerful, this will help interested citizen get involved in the government and give small leadership role to help them be part of community that sets the fate of our nation’s future. There are many people in our nation who would like to get involved but do not know how. This could address this issue by making it easier to get involved while giving them beneficial experience for their future in a less responsible position.

Second goal I outlined vaguely in the last article was to rebuild eJapan. This is very broad goal that will take long commitment from our nation. Our nation has already started to fix problems created by the long stagnation of activity. We can continue this and do even better than what we are accomplishing now. There are many ways to make our country livelier.

One way to help rebuild this nation is a greater community building. For small nation like eJapan, community is very important factor that can decide our success or failure. Currently, IRC does well enough in building some sense of community for those who use it regularly; however, majority of the citizen do not use IRC. Ministry of Culture also does provide event each month for our community, but the interest in those events in recent days has been falling (as the last month’s event had to be cancelled due to lack of interest). This I see is a problem.

Concept of national events is good, as long as we get good participation. However, many people do not participate because they just don’t find the event interesting or they see the event to be too much hassle. Thus to solve this issue, I plan on creating a cabinet level position, Senior Event Coordinator, to help create new events or new ways of making events enjoyable for our community (which will not only be limited to erepublik or Japanese culture related and could simply be fun games). This could get people together at least (even when it is not erepublik related) to get some sense of community of eJapan. It is not the game “erepublik” that motivate people to continue playing; it is unique communities formed in each country that keeps people interested and continue to play this game.

Other way to rebuild this nation is through Training war. Due to the change in military module, it makes sense now to conduct training wars for societal and economical stimulus. At the least, Training war will give people more choice than to two-click, read some articles and forums, write a little, then log off. War is also good for economy of eJapan because of the change in food consumption system. The main commodity of eJapan is inevitably food because we only have high grain region in our nation. However, it is also a product in high demand, which makes it a good product for our economy. Our nation currently has more than enough money in our treasury; it stupid not to take this opportunity to spend it on something that will provide benefit to all of our citizens.

Third goal of improved communication is pretty self explanatory: more articles in-game to keep citizens updated; keeping in-game messages accessible so anyone with question, comments, etc. can easy contact me; and new push to get more citizens involved in the forum and IRC. This is elementary duty of President or any leadership position that is often forgotten. While I cannot force people to read all the information released, I plan on making the information accessible and available to the general public so people can get information they want when they want. I plan for Minister of Interior and Governmental Volunteers to help keep information available in eJapan. I am also creating the cabinet level position, Media Relations and Communications Officer, for this purpose.

Furthermore, I hope to cleanup eJapan forum so it is more up to date, clean, and easier for newer players to get involved. There are many old clutters that could be removed to make things look friendlier. However, this is not something I have complete control over; I will need a large cooperation from forum administrators to make this happen. I hope that I am able to get a hold of Administrators and lobby for a forum cleanup that is long overdue. This will be part of the effort to improve communication, though to what degree this cleanup will happen is still unknown because I do not have full control over it. However, if able, I plan on doing whatever is possible within my power to make this happen.

Most of the changes I am planning will simply improve the system we already have in eJapan and help fix what is broken. What we have is workable; it makes perfect sense to keep what works and throw out what doesn’t. Some calls for revolution to make eJapan workable; however, I do not think this is a best solution. We do not need revolution for progress; in fact, I think too much changes to our system will further destabilize our already fragile nation. What we need is an evolution: evolution of our culture, system, and community to better fit our needs. This is the direction which I hope our nation will pursue.

Next article will have cabinet information and announcement. Thank you for your time.


Part One: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1529776/1/20

Part Two: Time to Go Presidential: Part Two (You are here)

Part Three: The Cabinet and Government Structure (Coming Soon)