The Single Greatest Threat to Switzerland......Ever

Day 2,022, 09:03 Published in Switzerland USA by csabo07
Is it Slovenia??? NO
What about a PTO??? NO AGAIN
Is it thedillpickl??? NO, THAT's THE SECOND BIGGEST THREAT!

This article is about the single biggest threat to our country. There is something out there which threatens our very existence, and may be the end to the human race as we know it. I'm talking of course, about manbearpig.

It is a creature which roams the earth alone. It is half man, half bear, and half pig.... Some people say that manbearpig isn't real. Well, I'm here to tell you now; manbearpig is very real, and he most certainly exists!

Manbearpig doesn't care who you are or what you've done. Manbearpig simply wants to get you!

I'm super serial...

We must all band together to put a stop to manbearpig. The future of Switzerland depends on it!

(My attempt to lighten up the mood around here) 🙂

Keep it real eSwitzerland!