The SFP Wants You!

Day 3,955, 18:23 Published in USA USA by NBerry9

Hello eWorld. Today I shall go over why you should join The SFP.

When I decided to get back into the game about a month ago, one of the first things I decided to do was look for a party to join. Not only did I find that The SFP was the most active party in The USA, but they also offer the most programs out of any party. Not only are party members active, but I also found them to be extremely supportive in my day to day E-Life. Furthermore, members were able to answer any questions I may have had. Because of the two previously mentioned points, it is highly recommended for new players to join The SFP.

Now, I’m sure by now that most of you older and more experienced players are asking yourself “why would I want to join this party?” Which is a reasonable question since I have only gone over the programs and perks that mostly cater to newer and inexperienced players. Not only are we looking to bring back The Training Subsidies Program, which would greatly benefit players who are yet to completely upgrade their training grounds, but we are also looking into implementing a Q7 Weapons program. These 2 programs mentioned, along with the current SFP programs (Housing & Food) will keep soldiers constantly supplied & in the fight. Therefore allowing players to be constantly dealing out damaged and focused on the fight.

In conclusion, I hope after reading this article you will choose The SFP as your new home. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for reading and as always happy clicking.

-NBerry9 (SFP Spokesman)