The path is clear... John Largo

Day 2,388, 20:15 Published in USA USA by Cyber Witch

Many times you have seen Country>Party>Self spouted in the media. Put the country first. Well if they truly believe that, then it is time to put John Largo in the Big Chair.

John has years of experience in every aspect of this game, including economics, military, and politics. He is the MOST American forward citizen this country has. He has always put this country first, even when it wasn't the most fashionable move. He works well with all personality types, and will work diligently to curb the out of control harassment, of every day citizens, when they have a differing opinion. A practice that has cost this country many active players looking to get into politics. It is time he take the reins and runs with them.

It is time to support JOHN LARGO for POTUS.