The Numbers for 12-30-08

Day 407, 16:10 Published in USA USA by sirgermono

The Numbers
Consumer Goods: Raw Materials:
Food-$1.52 Grain-$1.15
Gifts-$3.48 Diamonds-$1.30
Guns-$14.39 Iron-$1.59
Tickets-$17.89 Oil-$1.18
Houses-$319.9 Wood-$0.94

National Economics:
GDP: 1027 Gold
Exports: 183.83 Gold
Imports: 1.70 Gold
Average Pay: $10.96

Summary: Our exports have gone up quite a bit since my last article, but prices continue to rise.

I’m writing this article at the last minute, that’s why it’s so short, but I need to get started again, longer, more comprehensive ones to come.