The Next CP

Day 1,890, 12:02 Published in Australia Chile by Vyrin the First

There was a famous point in the history of the United States, when someone asked whether a depiction of the sun appearing over the horizon was a rising sun or a setting sun. Here is a photo from Victoria in Australia that could be either as well.

I've seen two full CP terms now, one unproductive, one productive, and both enmeshed in a community of bitter partisan and personal attacks.

It reached a new low when the effort I am working on to reach out to new players through Centrelink, a purely non-partisan effort designed to help all of eAustralia, can't even escape it.

In other words, new players, step up and be insulted like a true eAussie!

Of course I can't prevent multis - but I do ensure that I've seen personal communication from each new player I list. TJ is notorious I know, but the problem is larger than just him. Flaming every news article like he does is one thing. But when you can't get people to pay as much attention to Centrelink and welcoming and supporting new players as much as they pay attention to an attack article, something's off. eAussies will come out in droves to be vicious, but be less present in a positive way.

The culture of this country is problematic. We really know how to kick each other when we're down and ensure we stay that way. Everyone knows there's a problem, but everyone keeps reinforcing it and thinks it's the other guy who's doing it. This is a country that will never succeed in the long-term as is.

If we could choose a CP who was a unifying force rather than a divisive one based on old cliques and feuds, it would go a long way toward believing that there might be a future for eAustralia. People like this need to step forward for the next election.

This is a non-partisan request. I would vote for anyone who could do so because I'm sick of all the useless bickering that keeps moving eAustralia towards darkness rather than a new day.