The Gathering (for Croatian community)

Day 1,769, 12:12 Published in USA Croatia by Void elf

Greetings Croats in America
Firstly I want to thank you on all your support in last 8 months, you're apparently the best foreign community in one country on erepublik. 😃

You are all aware of the new changes in political module and cancellation of voting for individuals. Which lead us to new voting strategy.
The situation in USA is alarming. The American Freedom Alliance party, which consist Pizza's Serbs, Fyromans and other enemy elements, managed to get to the top 5 parties, and possibility of major plitical take over is more dangerous then ever.
Now maybe some of you will ask what you have from all that or that whole situation is not of your business. But let me explain why you should be interested in all this, and why it matters you.
- First you're an US citizens which most of you accepted on the first time when you filled that IES form, and you have an equal obligation towards USA as every other citizen
- You got the bonuses, protection and personal autonomy (you're not forced to pay anything or act in any political action). USA asked nothing more or less than just to follow the rules, and to behave in compliance with that rules.
- Yes many of you say that the government lately accused you (in context of all EDEN players) for somekind imaginary PTO action and other absurd charges without any proof. But you must know that there is a LOT of Americans who approves you, fights for you and likes you because all mutual acts of friendship and help in the past. Why should you lose them 'cause of few glowing heads from both sides.

So that players are reason enough to be on their side, and not on serbian-pizza-FYROM side by acting neutraly in the next elections.

Croatian community recommend you to:
If you're currently in AFA(American Freedom Alliance) party, move in any other top 5 party (do not be a serbian pawn of great serbian operation of taking-over the US congress)
On election day, delay your vote as much as you can, and wait for the instructions (we will send you via PM).

And remember, only with deeds, not the words, you can show someone that his word is wrong. Agruing with someone is a dead race, only acts matters, and only with acts you can show your real intensions.

If you want to participate, leave the comment to check you on the list for better coordination.

representative of Croat community in USA