The faces of Canada (V)

Day 3,870, 05:07 Published in Canada Canada by Mann551

eCanada is made of many different people from all over the world. The people who play are individuals who have their own reasons for logging in each day, and who play in a different way.

The Faces of Canada interview series was formed with the goal of getting to know some of these people.

Today the person we have up for an interview is Chopp dks!

First things first, we asked a few questions to get to know Chopp dks.

1. Are you from Canada in real life? If not, what country are you from?

I am Serb and I live in Serbia in real life.

2. What initially brought you to eRepublik?

I came in the game in 2009 during baby boom organized by at that time Serbian politician Lipec. Probably the most successful baby boom in this game ever since years later Serbia is still the biggest power in the game.

3. Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

Over 😁

4. Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?

Ice cream of course 😋

5. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?

Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, incredible place with amazing view from the top. Or some of the Šumadija's rural landscapes. Or my home town, Vrnjačka Banja and its parks. I love my country and there is so much variations that I can't choose 😃
You can see some examples here.

Now that we have a bit better of an idea of Chopp dks, we went into eRepublik related questions.

1. What is your main play style in eRepublik? (Fighting, War, Working, Training, Media, Politics, Company management, etc.)

I did it all I think but at this moment is just work/train/RH hunt 😌 I was one of the strongest and top fighters in Serbia when this game was at its peak. I did have one of the highest working skills when we had that in the past. Some of my articles were top international and I did it all in politics. I am #3 Resistance Hero in the world. I play since 2009 and despite the fact I did quit the game few times I had time to do it all, more then once 😃

2. What is the reason you keep logging on?

Hi. My name is Chopp and I am erepublik addict.

3. How did you stumble upon eCanada?

After USA and Cipelici adventure I went to Iran cuz I had huge respect for them. I could not read newspapers or anything so I needed to move after a couple of months. I shouted and one of my friends immediately suggested Canada. I didn't think much and applied for CS right away. He was Canadian MoFA at the time and ex CP at that time so even with forum obligations I got CS the next day...

4. What has kept you to stay in eCanada?

People. Their unity despite all, their sense of humor, honor, courage, spite. All that together and many more and I thank you for that 😃

5. Which feature of eCanada would you say is the best feature?

I think I already answered on this one. 2 in 1!! HAH! 😎

6. What part of eCanada do you think needs improvement?

This is stupid game now and it is hard to engage people and I don't blame them. Game needs improvement and if it happen eCanada will improve itself. Game improvement will never happen so let's just try to enjoy 😃

7. Do you have any regrets from your time playing eRepublik?

Yes. I quit the game 2 times but I keep coming back. I regret every day for those comebacks 😂

8. Do you have any advice for those reading?

Gimme all your moniz. You don't need it, trust me.

9. Chopp, is Plato your biatch?

Yes. Plato is my biatch and Lana is the love of my life. She gained a few pounds since she quit training but I still love her.😍

And with that, the interview with Chopp dks ended. Thank you for your time and for being willing to answer these questions. Look forward to our next interviewee and the next edition of The Faces of Canada.